Wednesday, 28 July 2010

painting in progress

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Comic page WIp, problem with style...

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Vampire Mod blog WIP

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

an other sunset picky!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

comic practice

Friday, 2 April 2010


"What's makes us different?" Nothing much
We're still animals, but we defied natures rules.
We destroy a world we claim to love.
And in reality, humans seem to hate each other.
Killing each other for no valid reason.

Only humans do that.
We're just monkeys with toys.

But if we're so civilized and actually care about each other,
then why do we destroy our selves?

Why is it that who are different are regarded as monsters to be changed?
Or even destroyed.
We seek to cure everything.
But not everything can be cured.
Some things can't change over night.
Some need help.
But no one cares.
No one wants to help them. Why? because they're different.
If it's not obvious that they have difficulties, no one cares.
It shouldn't be that way.

Some can't socialize,
others were never thought,
some were forbidden to make friends,
having their bond disappear after a few months.

Being alone helps one think, but doesn't help them.
Being alone can make one stronger, but it also destroys them.
But no one else cares, because it doesn't affect them.
They're not hurt, they're not the ones suffering day and night.

We claim to care about life, but only to please our selves.
We hate change, therefor we try to stop our world from changing.
We made some of the changes. So why turn back the clock?
We are selfish and destructive. The more we try to fix, the more damage we do.
We try to protect nature now, but still destroy each other.

We're equal, but where? Nowhere.
We accept, but who? No one.

So people who need help, never get it.
Never the right help, because no one cares enough about them.
People who crave company, never get it.
People who crave acceptance, never get it.
Because they're different.
Different isn't fun, different doesn't belong.
To make one happy, they have to be a clone of their neighbor.
They have to fit in a box, in a category.

So poeple who have problems are the ones who see.
But they're always on their own.
Are humans fair to each other?
You decide.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Thursday, 11 February 2010


yeah a bit more done, im not overly happy with his open eye yet, any suggestions?

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Why, just Why?

Yup i've gone insane! Joy! maybe i should stop listening to this! XD